In the General Assembly I asked the meeting’s president permission to speak. When my turn came, I spoke about several key issues. I expressed the Iranian Delegation’s suggestions. Specifically, about the necessity of establishing a council or commission whose task was to create understanding through culture among nations i.e. the approval of a suggestion that I had made in one of the committees – I went into more detail and emphasized the importance of such an endeavor
After all the reports of the committees were approved by the General Assembly it was necessary for a committee to be assembled for the approvals to be organized and recorded as the Constitutions of the United Nations. For the selection of twenty members of this committee, after much deliberation the conference members elected a Drafting Committee, of which I was fortunate to be a member. This committee met on numerous occasions each lasting several hours to get our task accomplished.
. I was an active contributing member of this committee, especially I was watchful to make sure that my suggestion of understanding among nations – be included in the statute
This statute was approved in the General Assembly almost without any revision and was signed. I was very fortunate, not just because I signed my name on the bottom of the “United Nations Charter”, more so because in the founding UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Social and Cultural Organization), I had a significant part.